February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “The Mirror Sits Down with District 1 Candidate Rob Stubbs

  1. What Is Workforce Housing?
    Workforce housing is housing that is affordable to workers and close to their jobs. It is homeownership, as well as rental housing, that can be reasonably afforded by a moderate to middle income, critical workforce and located in acceptable proximity to workforce centers.
    The most common definition of workforce housing comes from the Urban Land Institute, which defines workforce housing as: “housing that is affordable to households earning 60 to 120 percent of the area median income.” It has also been defined as affordable if the housing costs are no more than 30-40 percent of income.
    There are other variations of this definition. Some communities use 80 percent of area median income as the lower threshold, and some com- munities, particularly higher cost places, use a higher percentage, such as 140 percent of area median income as the upper threshold.
    Workforce housing was thought of as housing for public employees
    – teachers, police officers, firefighters, and others who are integral to
    a community, yet who often cannot afford to live in the communities they serve. However, workforce housing also includes housing for young professionals, workers in the construction trades, retail salespeople, office workers and service workers.

    What is the Northampton County area median income?

  2. 20 years ago, when job hunting. If a person needing help was offering low wages, I would ask them ‘how they felt about their new employee relying on others so that they could come to work for you’. Of course they would ask what I meant as they had never heard anything like it before. So I explained that for a person to come to work at such a low pay rate that they would have to rely on some other form of income/support to pull it off. By that I mean, living at home for free, a working wife, a trust fund, a second or third job ect. As there is no other way for a new hire to clothe, feed, and house itself to come to work for you….much less provide transportation, gasoline, and insurance on the small wage you are offering.

    They were dumbfounded by the response. I never liked helping employers/business owners to achieve their dreams anyhow.

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