The Town of Cape Charles has spent the last few months reviewing alternatives of where to place Town facilities, including administrative offices, the police, library, and council chamber functions. The analysis produced five options. At the next Regular Meeting next Thursday, April 21st, Town Council will discuss the options, and presumably move forward with one of them.
Below are the current options still on the table:
Option 1 – Renovate the Municipal building for all administrative functions, a new building for police, archives and council chambers, the library remains at its current location. Sell Civic Center and third floor of Library building.
Option 2 – Renovate Municipal and Civic Center buildings for most administrative and library functions,
a new building for police, archives, council chambers, and some administrative functions. Sell all of the Library building.
Option 3 – Renovate Civic Center building for continued use as council chambers, a new building for all other functions. Sell Municipal buildings and all of the Library buildings.
Option 4 – Renovate Library and Civic Center buildings. Library remains at its current location. Administrative functions spread among the third floor of the Library building, Civic Center building, and new building. New building for police, archives, council chambers, and some administrative functions. Sell Municipal building.
Option 5 – New building for all functions except the library. Library remains at its current location. Sell Municipal and Civic Center buildings and third floor of Library building.

Option 6 – Do nothing and save the Taxpayers from funding another Town Council Boondoggle.
Option 3 ! The town employees and police deserve decent work accommodations. The massive library (old bank) much better to put into commercial space.
A fresh healthy work space makes a more productive employee.
Option 6: Using a time machine, go back to 2012 and keep the high school in the park, turning it into a civic center, library, and town hall.