The Cape Charles Rotary Club is celebrating Eastern Shore artists during its spring raffle. The Rotary is raising funds to support projects ranging from the Kiptopeke Elementary School to the Eastern Shore Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
There will be twenty prize winners since that many Eastern Shore artists have contributed to the creative basket. The first-place ticket winner will select one of the twenty art pieces. As the drawing continues subsequent winners will choose from the remaining unselected prizes.
Individual tickets are $10, and they are discounted three tickets for $25. The raffle drawing will be held at the Lemon Tree Gallery, in Cape Charles, at 2:00 PM on April 23rd. The collection of prizes can be viewed and tickets purchased at
The variety of paintings, carvings and other art categories, that will attract the taste of all art lovers, have been contributed by Eastern Shore artists and galleries. Some familiar names include Turner Sculpture, Thelma Jarvis Peterson and the At Altitude Gallery.
Selected prizes will be displayed at the Lemon Tree Gallery. Call Bill Payne at 757 390 7253 to ask questions or order raffle tickets.
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