“The chief principle of a banana republic is that of kleptocracy, whereby those in positions of influence use their time in office to maximize their own gains, always ensuring that any shortfall is made up by those whose daily life involves earning money rather than making it.” – Christopher Hitchens.
Don’t let UFOs and Chinese spy balloons distract you from the fact a US President ordered Russian pipelines to be blown up without notifying Congress and then misled the American people about it, risking WWIII to defend a corrupt nation where his son Hunter raked in millions of dollars. There are about 5,000 Americans in East Palestine, Ohio, living through a waking nightmare whose needs should be prioritized ahead of Ukraine. But Biden and Mitch McConnell like all other liberal internationalists simply hate Americans (You).
Every dollar wasted on Ukraine was a dollar that should have gone toward infrastructure to reduce the likelihood of tragedies like the one that struck East Palestine in Ohio. It is a shame on every politician who sent money to that kleptocracy instead of investing in America.
East Palestine is 95% white, so, FEMA is refusing to help them. Remember when Kamala told us about race-based disaster relief? BREAKING: Biden announces that US tax dollars will go towards supporting Ukrainian social services, including paying for government pensions. Of course, polling shows that his woke constituents really love his support for Ukraine. Same deal with all the European politicians bankrupting their countries. It plays well with the morons who put them in power.
Stupid alert!! From the NY Times, “After a train carrying toxic material derailed in Ohio this month, Right-wing commentators have been particularly critical of the response, using the crisis to sow distrust about government agencies and suggest that the damage could be irreparable”…oh, come on, there is neither need nor reason to sow distrust about government agencies. It is common knowledge that they are corrupt and have no credibility.
Biden blows up Nord Stream pipeline: 400,000 TONS of gas gushes into the sea. Industrial disaster in Ohio: toxic chemicals spewing into the air and water. Whales dying off the east coast. Where’s the Save the Oceans/Stop Acid Rain/Save the Whales crowd? Greta? Al Gore? Greta? Anyone? Bueller??
From the ‘Nothing to see here’ files’ :
Ukraine “War” in a Nutshell: Russia does not have a Central Bank controlled by the Rothschilds. Russia is not controlled by the UN. Russia is rich in natural resources and is not dependent on the West or NATO for its economic success. And that ladies and gentlemen, is what this is all about.
Pete Buttigieg on Ohio “I continue to be concerned about the impacts of the Feb 3 train derailment near East Palestine, OH, and the effects on families in the ten days since their lives were upended through no fault of their own. It’s important that families have access to useful & accurate information”…so, he means he is “suddenly concerned” after citizens on Twitter have been exposing your incompetence over this disaster and countless others happening under his watch.
Translation: We’re meeting… we’re investigating… we’re investing… we’re concerned… notice how the government reacts and never actually fixes anything but their budgets keep increasing? BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars have gone to US railway infrastructure and safety for decades.
While the government is trying to psyop the country with downed UFO stories a domestic Chornobyl is happening in EastPalestine Ohio since February 3rd. Dead animals, people getting sick, arrested journalists, and MSM blackout.
Tuesday – Officials are responding to another deadly train derailment near Houston, TX. Over 16 rail cars, carrying “hazardous materials” crashed, prompting Union Pacific to monitor air quality at the site of the crash, according to the Splendora Police Department.
What media reported about these days: – Men can get pregnant – Masks are still effective – Chinese spy balloons – Ukraine needs more money What media didn’t report about these days: – Ohio train derailment – Adverse vaccine reactions – Epstein’s client list.
List of countries that pulled their ambassadors out of Turkey 24 hours before the earthquake. ✓Canada ✓USA ✓Britain ✓Germany ✓Belgium ✓Italy ✓Holland ✓France
Real State of the Union – We’ve seen massive retirements of competent older workers combined with a general lowering of national standards. Where does this lead?
The Biden administration on Monday announced another sale of oil from the Energy Department’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), with 26 million barrels set to be delivered to the market from April 1 to June 30, which will take the number of barrels in the reserve to a new low dating back to 1983. The announcement comes ahead of a potential uptick in gas prices as the U.S. nears the summer driving season.
“Biden is front-loading SPR barrels to avoid a summer gasoline price spike,” said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Price Futures Group. “There are growing concerns among the Biden administration that gas prices are headed back to $4 a gallon and the president is fearful of the political heat he will have to take.”
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant China. Produces 4,120 MW of power. Up and running since April 1 1994. It would take approx. 29,000 acres of solar panels to make that kind of power and a ton of mining. What are we doing?
“Climate religion has become America’s sacred cow. Time to take it to the slaughterhouse. Most Republican politicians are too timid to say this out loud even though nearly all of them agree with me. Instead they settle for making meek arguments about “time horizons” and “costs.” – Vivek Ramaswamy.
“Leaving the Left was not about finding a home in the Right. It’s easy to chase the acceptance of another tribe when you leave one behind. It was about Leaving blind political tribalism behind after seeing the way it costs you the ability to be yourself, true freedom of conscience. I just don’t want to get sucked in by the outrage algorithm. I don’t want to be used as a pawn for whatever advertisers are looking to capitalize on. Honestly? I just want Jesus. Less distraction, more of my King & his kingdom” – Dr. Joel Brown.
Jeffree Star gives the best interview you will hear all day:
“Liberty and equality are mutually exclusive, even hostile concepts. Liberty, by its very nature, undermines social equality, and equality suppresses liberty – for how else could it be attained?” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.